Gardens For Life empowers communities to imagine better places to play outside, whether that place is a schoolyard, park, vacant lot, or sidewalk.
What if a planning meeting felt like a block party where people socialize, share ideas, and visualize changes using temporary structures?
We collaborate with community members to hold participatory planning events that expand the definition of play and galvanize support for great play spaces.
Adults share memories of how they played when they were kids. All ages play with open-ended materials like cardboard boxes, fabric, and chalk, and use the materials to test out design improvements, either in real space or on a 3-D model.
Gardens For Life is thrilled to partner with Neighborways Design, a planning and design firm committed to transforming streets into safe and more beautiful places for everyone. Learn more about the Neighborways Design team, and see how they’re building networks of welcoming streets that invite everyone to walk, bike, and play.
Get in touch if you’re ready to use the power of play to imagine great outdoor spaces!